The Prayer Shawl Ministry is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, 1/16, at the Kent Island library from 1:30 - 3:00 pm. Members are encouraged to bring any completed shawls/christening blankets.
Please join us as we knit and pray for those in need.
Any questions or for more information about our minis- try, please contact Rose VanDyke [email protected]
St. Christopher's Prayer Shawl Ministry invites all crochet and knitting fans to create Prayer Shawls and Baptism Keepsakes for members of our parish. Pattern options will be provided. Beginners are welcome!
Meetings will be approximately quarterly or as needed to distrib- ute supplies, collect finished projects and share fellowship while working on shawls and Baptism keepsakes. Completed items will be blessed by our Pastor and distributed to parishioners when needed.